See a Film.
See the World.
Hear New Voices.
Thank you for your interest in the Independent Jewish World Cinema (IJWC) and the East Bay International Jewish Film Festival. During the past few years, the generosity of our donors was an essential reason why tens of thousands of people enjoyed our Year-Round events and our virtual and in-theatre EBIJFF.
For 2024-2025, we are planning a robust Film Festival at the Century 16 in Pleasant Hill, and continue to show films online or at the Lafayette Library, and other places in Contra Costa and Pleasanton. All of these screenings will bring inspiring programming and Jewish culture to our community and continue to serve as a cultural “lifeline” while social-distancing is still maintained by many in our region.
Our exciting Year-Round programming will include both films and speaker events, including one of our most popular programs, Around the World with Fred with historian Fred Rosenbaum. Those who donate $1,000 or more to us will receive a Year-Round Film Subscription.
As in prior years, we also hope that you will become a supporter of our signature event, the 30th Annual East Bay International Jewish Film Festival. We are very heartened by the breadth and depth of the films that are now available to us. If you have questions, email director@eastbayjewishfilm.org or call us at 925.895.3605.
If you would like to purchase individual tickets and get more event details, click on Film & Speaker Catalog.
Your generosity will ensure that our Film Festival remains a vital part of the region's cultural landscape and our Year-Round events continue to provide in-depth knowledge about the vibrancy of the Jewish people, their history and society.
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